Communication is Key
At Washington Elementary, our teachers strive to keep you informed to what is happening in your child’s classroom through learning platforms, communication apps, emails, and phone calls.
Learning Platforms
A learning platform is the online communication tool our teachers use to keep students engaged and on track with learning and assignments. Preschool through second grade teachers utilize Seesaw while third and fourth grades use Google Classroom. If you have been unable to setup your account with your child’s teacher, please contact the teacher directly. Please look under Quick Links for the teacher’s email in the Staff Directory.
Virtual Rooms for Specials
Our team of specials teachers have created fun and interesting virtual classrooms for our students. These virtual sites are often used in the specials classroom to supplement in-class learning. Please experience these rooms for yourself…
Spanish – Jose Salinas | Art – Sara Lenhart |
Library – Megan Casey | Music – Sophia Walker |
Guidance – Nicole Elliott | Physical Education – Aaron Truitt |
Extended Learning Program
The Mount Vernon Community School District has a Kindergarten through 12th grade extended learning program for our students. This is a review year for the ELP/TAG program in Mount Vernon. The current teacher/program coordinator is Susannah Maddock, and this year she is overseeing the entire program, K-12.
Please explore Mrs. Maddock’s Enrichment Rooms: