
Clubs at Washington Elementary

Washington Elementary offers various clubs for our students in addition to activities and clubs sponsored by the community. The clubs are offered at various times through the school year.


Five students practice their string instrument with the orchestra teacher.
4th Grade Orchestra Lessons

The Mount Vernon Community School District is fortunate to have a strong orchestra program for 4th through 12th grade students. Stringed instruments are demonstrated to 3rd grade students in the spring. Students and parents decide which instrument to learn so lessons can begin in the summer and continue through the 4th grade year. Please contact our orchestra teacher, Tabitha Rasmussen, at if you would like to learn more about the program.

Archery Club

students try archery
Students try a bow and arrow.

Fourth grade students have the opportunity to participate in archery club with middle and high school students. Practices begin in November. You may email the club organizer at